Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Best Werewolf Stories 1800-1849 Book eBook Price Drop


I've been feeling beastly as of late and as a result I've decided to drop the price of The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Werewolf Anthology to $.99. Buy this transformation of the werewolf book for a buck while you can. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Trailer for the New Werewolf Movie Based on The Little Red Riding Hood Story

This is the second trailer I found for the new Red Riding Hood werewolf movie. It has more teeth than the first and it looks like the werewolf story theme could steal the show. If you need more werewolf stories to tide you over until the movie is released, check out The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Werewolf Anthology.

Website: AndrewBarger.com

A New Werewolf Movie Based on Old Short Story

There are a lot of commercials showing now for the new werewolf movie Riding Hood, which is based off the classic short story. I've attached the trailer for those of you who have not seen it. Of course, the Little Red Riding Hood story we all remember from childhood did not involve a werewolf, but rather a crafty wolf that could talk. Many times twists on old classics are done poorly by Hollywood. Let's hope the werewolf addition to this story is a welcomed edition. The trailer looks intriguing.

Website: AndrewBarger.com


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Price Drop on the eBook Version of The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849

Valentines weekend is not the most popular time for werewolf stories. That's why I've dropped the ebook price of The Best Werewolf Short Stories: A Classic Werewolf Anthology to only $2.99. You can get it at the Kindle store or Google Editions:

Kindle: The Best Werewolf Stories 1800-1849

Google Editions: The Best Werewolf Stories 1800-1849

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Werewolf and Horror Anthology Smackdown

For those of you who track this blog, you know that in 2010 I edited two anthologies while working on a few short stories of my own. The first I started working on was The Best Horror Short Stories 1800-1849. Right in the middle of editing it I published The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849 from the tales I had read for the horror anthology (300+ found in the literary magazines of the day). I expected the werewolf book to attract a small, but specialized audience. The horror anthology I expected to reach a wider audience and sell more copies. I could not have been more wrong. Sales of the werewolf anthology quadrupled sales of the horror anthology in 2010. Yes, the horror book costs 20% more than the werewolf anthology: $12.98 to $10.98, respectively, as a result of the horror anthology containing over twice as many stories. This is because there were only a handful of werewolf short stories published in this time period, not for lack of quality, mind you. The horror anthology even has photos of the authors, unlike the werewolf anthology since photos for half the authors were unavailable. Despite all this, I was dead wrong on which would be the most popular. Quadrupled? Jeez. So much for an author trying to forecast book sales.

P.s. In the month of January anyone who likes my Facebook page (Andrew Barger's Official Facebook Page) will be included in a random drawing to win an autographed copy of The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849. Good luck!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Werewolves for the New Year

To get 2011 kicked off in a shapeshifting way, I'm offering a free signed copy of The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Werewolf Anthology. I will randomly pick one winner from anyone who "Likes" my Facebook page (Andrew Barger's Official Facebook Page) during the month of January 2011. Happy New Year, Andrew.

Website: www.AndrewBarger.com